The International Review of Social Psychology publishes empirical research and theoretical notes in all areas of social psychology. The IRSP emphasizes the scientific quality of its publications in every areas of social psychology. Submitted papers are reviewed by international experts. The journal was created to reflect research advances in a field where theoretical and fundamental questions inevitably convey social significance and implications. It is supported by ADRIPS.
Posted on 12 Jun 2023
The special collection 'Conflicts in social influence: A Festschrift in honour of Gabriel Mugny' has now been published. The collated papers aim to celebrate the contribution of Gabriel Mugny and reflects the importance that his perspective on structuring conflicts has represented in social psychology. The special issue gathers empirical and theoretical papers that provide new areas of investigation, developments of existing paradigms, theoretical considerations on past research, and work integrating different areas of research and practice.
The full collection can be found at:
Posted on 08 Jan 2023